
No Hermits Here... on the Main Line

Hi Neighbor! Introverts vs extroverts.  It seems the pandemic has definitely spotlighted the differences in these two species.  Now that we are entering the “re-emergence” phase of this craziness, the question is how both personality…

Hi Neighbor!

Introverts vs extroverts.  It seems the pandemic has definitely spotlighted the differences in these two species.  Now that we are entering the “re-emergence” phase of this craziness, the question is how both personality types will handle the adjustment back to normal life.  I happen to be an introvert.  Most people, when they first meet me, would absolutely swear I was an extrovert.  I like to believe that is because I appear at ease being friendly and outgoing.  It is probably also because I happen to have a knack for talking. 🙂  But for those who know me well, they know I’m a true introvert.

It’s really all about how we recharge (or drain) our brains.  Introverts tend to be drained by being around large groups of people and extroverts tend to gain energy by being around large groups of people.  It’s all quite interesting actually.  (This article explains things very well.)

I can’t speak for all introverts, but for this introvert, the end of this pandemic is very, very, very welcome indeed! I may not be interested in going out to bars, or big parties… but I certainly miss socializing with my close friends and family.  And hugs!  I miss those the most.  I may be an introvert, but I’m definitely not a hermit!

Check this article out!  An introvert vs extrovert’s pandemic perspective. 

Brain Officially Re-Charged,