
Mumford is my Guru... on the MainLine

Hi Neighbor! I grab my socks and running shoes, sit on our hall stairs and begin our daily ritual. My dogs, Mumford and Mabel, leap up from their beds; they know it’s time for a…

Hi Neighbor!

I grab my socks and running shoes, sit on our hall stairs and begin our daily ritual. My dogs, Mumford and Mabel, leap up from their beds; they know it’s time for a WALK!!! Both jump around with pure joy and sit like statues at the front door in anticipation, waiting for me to put on their leashes. It happens everyday and yet for them it’s always like the very first time.

Some days I’m in a rush, and Mumford knows it as soon as we hit the driveway. He feels me rushing and we’re only 10 steps out the front door.  I begin to walk quickly, pulling, thinking about everything I have to get done. Suddenly I feel a jerk on the leash as Mumford puts on the brakes, screeching to an abrupt halt, jolting me back into the moment. He will NOT budge. I look back and he’s peering at me.  He doesn’t need to speak; I know what he’s saying. “Slow down, get out of your head and be in the moment.” Or at least that’s what I assume from his silent glare. I acknowledge that he’s right.

Dogs are in the present moment all the time. No lamenting about the past or worrying about the future. The universe surrounds us with perfect teachers if we’re willing to listen.

So I stop and take a deep breath and slow it down. Some days I take his wise guidance but other days, after a few minutes I’m back in my head, walking fast, pulling the leash and losing my patience.  He STOPS and will not budge. I know what he’s thinking, “Lady, I can do this all day.” It’s probably a good thing dogs can’t speak.


If you want to know what your dog is saying this collar, presented at the 2021 Consumer Electronics show translates your dog’s barking using artificial intelligence.