
Maybe Next Week... on the Main Line

Hi Neighbor! I really miss cooking.  Especially at this time of year.  A warm oven and the smell of wonderful aromas filling the house is just the ticket!  Back in the day, when my kids…

Hi Neighbor!

I really miss cooking.  Especially at this time of year.  A warm oven and the smell of wonderful aromas filling the house is just the ticket!  Back in the day, when my kids were just babies, I was a cooking machine!  I was a stay-at-home mom and cooking was my creative outlet.  I would spend entire days preparing dinners.  Always made from scratch, always made with the freshest ingredients. I was a bit of a cooking snob back then. 😉  It wasn’t a real meal unless everything was made from the bottom up.  I made everything… from homemade granola, to  authentic Chinese dumplings, loaves of homemade bread, tortellini stuffed and wrapped by hand, beef braciole, homemade bagels and pretzels, gnocchi… the list goes on and on.  I owned every cooking magazine known to man and had enough cookbooks to start my own bookstore!  Important Sidenote: My kids were really easy tots… they allowed me the luxury of being able to cook while they sat and played.  Please don’t think that continued on for the rest of their existence! 🙂 But as tots?  Easy peasy!

As time went on, and Regina and I started MainLine Neighbors, time was of the essence.  So, even though I kept our meals healthy, they could sometimes be pretty lame indeed. Like the time I fed my crew apples with peanut butter, and carrots with hummus for dinner.  The whole family looked at me like I was from the looney bin. Hey, when I swing, I SWING!

Well, lately, I’ve really been missing that “cooking” part of me.  The itch is really starting to come back.  They say there is no time like the present, right?!  And during a pandemic?  Why not make the most of it?!  Maybe I’ll pull something together tonight and surprise the hubby. I can just grab some things from my pantry and whip up something wonderful.  Hmmm… I wonder what I can make with one old sprouting potato, a limp scallion, some expired feta, and a piece of leftover Tilapia?

Well, maybe tonight isn’t the time to start after all.
Maybe next week!