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Stressed About The Start of the School Year? ~ Juli Bennett, Owner & CEO of Back to Basics Learning Dynamics In past years the structure of the school day meant the return to a routine…

Stressed About The Start of the School Year?
~ Juli Bennett, Owner & CEO of Back to Basics Learning Dynamics

In past years the structure of the school day meant the return to a routine and, let’s be honest, some parental sanity. Whether your school is in-person, going virtual, or a combination of the two, the start of this year is leaving parents scrambling and asking:

• Is my child really learning the material?
• Will my child get enough support for the subjects they find most challenging?
• Will my child fall behind in learning?
• Do we need a tutor or a teacher, what is the difference? Maybe grandma can help? What will that cost?
• Does this put us more at risk for COVID?
• What does this mean for my career? Can I even manage work and their schooling anymore?

The questions, frustration and anxiety are mounting for parents right now.

Virtual learning presents real challenges. Busy parents don’t have time during the workday to serve as teacher, IT expert, principal, and disciplinarian. The nagging and arguing over organization, interruptions and homework assignments exhausts everyone. Who wants to do that for the next 9 months?

Many families are considering hiring a teacher. Teachers are definitely the right choice for some families. However, one often overlooked option is Virtual Education Assistance.

You may want to consider Virtual Education Assistance if your child:
• Struggled with virtual learning last spring
• Showed up for the classes and watched the videos but wasn’t understanding the context of the lesson
• Needs accountability for their school work
• Interrupted you often during your workday
• Needs interaction for skill building in keys subjects, like math and reading

One business owner knew all too well how virtual education was affecting work, family, life balance. Juli Bennett, the owners and CEO of Back to Basics Learning Dynamics has 4 kids of her own. She watched her own kids struggle with managing the lessons, the homework, all the emails, and learning on their own. She immediately called upon her staff and created Virtual Education Assistant/Tutors.

When COVID-19 hit we immediately realized parents needed help from someone outside their home. We quickly developed our Virtual Education Assistance program. As part of the program, a professional checks in with your child every day and ensures they understand the material, stay organized, manage their time and complete their homework. They also reinforce skills learned in everything from reading to math to AP classes.

We know education isn’t one size fits all. From daily check-ins to constant help throughout the day, Virtual Education Assistance is designed to meet the needs of each individual child. Pricing is anywhere from $36 – $59 per hour.

Please call Angie at 302-594-0754 for a complimentary consultation on how this can be a successful school year for you and your children.

Back to Basics Learning Dynamics is a full service education business. They have been serving the tri-state area for over 35 years with 100’s of highly qualified teachers, tutors, interpreters, & translators. They not only work with parents, charter schools, school districts, & companies but they also run their own 1-on-1 school, Augustine Hills School, in DE.