
Doomscrolling... on the Main Line

Hi Neighbor! “Doomscrolling”. This new emerging term describes the practice of endlessly consuming doom-and-gloom news. According to Urban Dictionary, Doomscrolling is defined as  “Obsessively reading social media posts about how utterly 'doomed' we are.” (Well, they…

Hi Neighbor!

This new emerging term describes the practice of endlessly consuming doom-and-gloom news. According to Urban Dictionary, Doomscrolling is defined as  “Obsessively reading social media posts about how utterly ‘doomed’ we are.” (Well, they didn’t actually use the word “doomed”, they were a bit more blunt in their definition. 😉 )

How many of us start our day first thing in the morning opening up our phones or computers ready to scroll the day’s news, HOPING to find some glimmer of positivity but instead end up in a quicksand pit of connected links proclaiming utter doom and gloom?  Then, (just because it felt so good when we did it in the morning), we decide to end our day the same way.  We lie down in bed and think: “I’m just going to QUICKLY check if I missed any good news today.  Wouldn’t it be nice to fall asleep with something positive?  Let me just take a really quick peek.”  2 hours later… “Oh lord. Fine. Just forget it.  There clearly is no good news.  We’re all going down, the world is a mess, we’re doomed!”

And THAT is how we nod off to sleep.  Just to wake up in the morning and do the same routine all over again.  Rinse and repeat!

I am clearly making light of what is actually a very real struggle for many of us.  “Doomscrolling” is slowly eroding our mental health. (ut oh…more bad news 🙂 )

Hang in there everyone, things will turn around one of these days.  Until then… no more Doomscrolling!

Staying Positive!