
Local Love... on the Main Line

Hi Neighbor! I have to stop! I’ve fallen into the habit of checking my telephone news feed every few hours. I’m much better informed and I’ve never been so aware of current events. But the more…

Hi Neighbor!

I have to stop!

I’ve fallen into the habit of checking my telephone news feed every few hours. I’m much better informed and I’ve never been so aware of current events. But the more information I have, the more I want to know details and the more I check my phone. The phone and the information are always there, offering more at a click and a swipe. But along with the news, I’m going a little nutty with this need for information and it feels awful.

I was more centered and hopeful before I recognized this pattern. Now, the need to know, the craving for instant information has taken me over. And the media complies, providing an endless stream of both reliable and unreliable, healthy and hysterical, important and useless information day and night. I’ve become a pawn of the media’s money-making machine that recognizes and appeals to habit patterns and I am caught up in my head instead of my life. What started out as a way to gain control has ended up controlling me.

Then I go out into the world to take a walk and am surprised to find that people are still there. They’re kind and friendly even if it’s from a healthy distance, reminding me that hope and optimism still exist. The world is right where I left it while I was in my head with my newsfeed habit. I remember that we are all in this together and are doing what we can until things inevitably change.

I’m finding that playing music, singing and dancing are helpful in getting me out of my brain. I remind myself that I’m fine right now, coming back to the moment, back to my breath with meditation and guided relaxation apps.

It’s way past new year’s but not too late for a new resolution. I’m limiting media consumption for my own health beginning now on my phone and on the laptop, iPad, Alexa, radio and especially tv.

Reasonably Informed,