
Grateful... on the Main Line

Hi Neighbor! This Thanksgiving, I’m going to need extra time and it’s not for cooking. It’s for thanking. When I think about how many people and things come together to create our holiday, I’m amazed.…

Hi Neighbor!

This Thanksgiving, I’m going to need extra time and it’s not for cooking. It’s for thanking.

When I think about how many people and things come together to create our holiday, I’m amazed. From my friends who taught me to bake, and family who bring special treats, to the earth, sun, rain, animals, farmers, truckers, bakers, grocers and clerks, even the car maker providing transportation home.  I’m grateful to the creators of microwave technology, self-cleaning ovens and stuffing recipes. I don’t even know these people, haven’t raised the animals but I’m grateful to them all.

I’m grateful for fresh vegetables, clean air and water, access to good health care, the freedom to freely express my views (or not), the food bank that serves those in need, family and friends present and past. I’m grateful for the educators who instilled an appreciation for reading, writing and encouraged independent thinking.

Even as I acknowledge that we grow from pain, I find it challenging to be grateful for it.  And I certainly wish the media reported more compassionate human behavior instead of, well, you know. But I’m thankful to have met people who shared ways to remain centered between hearing the negative while simultaneously acknowledging the positive. That skill will be needed when someone discusses politics during dinner.

This Thanksgiving when I give thanks, among those contributing to the holiday, you’ll be mentioned – yes, you!  Although we’ve never met, please know that I am grateful you’re reading this. Wishing you a peaceful, happy, grateful heart and holiday.
