
Dare I Say It?... on the Main Line

Hi Neighbor! Dare I say it?  Costume time is around the corner.  Yup, it really is. And that leaves most parents dealing with costume "discussions" in early October.  I always used to dread Halloween when…

Hi Neighbor!

Dare I say it?  Costume time is around the corner.  Yup, it really is. And that leaves most parents dealing with costume “discussions” in early October.  I always used to dread Halloween when my kids were younger. Not because it wasn’t fun. It wasn’t that at all. I love the idea of Halloween. I love the fun costumes. I love the decorations. And of course I love the CANDY! But, what I never loved (not even a little bit) was the stress of costume “creation”.

Some parents are so incredibly talented and creative. I would look at their little five year old, all dressed up as a “Broadway Stage” with real working theater lights shining brightly from overhead and miniature “Lion King” performers moving around their cardboard box (aka stage).

Well, that wasn’t me (or my kids)… no way, no how. I always took the super easy path when it came to Halloween.  We would go with a really clever idea like:  red sweatsuits with the letters “M&M” taped on the front and back.  Or maybe tape a ton of cotton to their shirts and call them a “storm cloud”?!  Better yet, put antennae on a green hooded sweatshirt and have them carry a book… voila “a bookworm!”   Well, as you can see, I am NOT the person to come to for costume ideas. But if you ARE in need of some great ideas, check out the links below for some great inspiration!  There are some super cute ones for sure!


Costume Works
DIY Costume Ideas of ALL SORTS!

No-sew Halloween costume ideas
Martha Stewart Motherly 

Some Martha Stewart favorites of mine!
Chicken Little 
Itty-Bitty Ladybug 

Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas for Adults!
Come on!  You know you want to dress up too!

Whatever you choose to do for Halloween, make sure to enjoy the fun!  Be creative!  Get inspired!
