
Expanding your preference bubble...on the Main Line

Hello Neighbor! The  other day I was scrolling through my FB feed, as I typically do in the morning, and noticed just how many things popped up that were due to my "preferences".  Different feeds…

Hello Neighbor!

The  other day I was scrolling through my FB feed, as I typically do in the morning, and noticed just how many things popped up that were due to my “preferences”.  Different feeds that I happen to follow that have interesting posts (in MY opinion).  Then I thought about how much our “preference choices” on FB, Instagram, Google etc… all of these preferences simply confirm our “rightness”.  They confirm our “rightness” about everything – day in and day out.  In this day and age, with technology the way it is, we are able to individualize everything we see.  We simply choose to follow the things we like and choose not to follow the things we don’t like.

On the one hand, it’s fabulous.  We get to see what we consider interesting.  Learn about the things that matter to us.  On the other hand, we are inundated with propaganda that reinforces our “rightness”.  It doesn’t matter what you choose to believe in… right, left, children, no children, city-life, suburban-life … the list is endless.  Whatever it may be, our phones and computers simply show us what we want to see.  What people just like us want to see.  Without even realizing it, we are simply confirming our own ideas each and every day.

I just have to wonder if these “groupings”, these “preferences”… although in many cases harmless on their own… together?  Preference after preference?  We no longer see the opinions or thoughts of others.  We no longer see the news as a whole, encompassing everything anymore.  We now see the news (and even our world) in our own “preference bubble”.  We, as a society, continually note how technology has brought our world together.  But maybe… it’s only serving to separate us even more.

Let us know your thoughts, comment below!

Expanding My Preference Bubble,

Interested in expanding your preference bubble?
Check out this great article by Yes and Yes – fabulous ideas on how to exit your own bubble!