
Think you’re a trivia whiz?

Think you’re a trivia whiz? Please answer in the comment section below. We’ll pick a winner from all of our neighbors who answer correctly. $25 giftcard to Bryn Mawr Film Institute! Please be neighborly and…

Think you’re a trivia whiz? Please answer in the comment section below. We’ll pick a winner from all of our neighbors who answer correctly. $25 giftcard to Bryn Mawr Film Institute!
Please be neighborly and honest…we know you’re playing on a computer where you can find all the answers!

Q1: Richard Hatch won the first season of this game changing show.
Q2: According to the lyrics of the hit Queen song, Killer Queen, perfume came naturally from where?
Q3: What subject does Severus Snape teach?
Q4: How many herbs and spices does KFC use?
Q5: In the TV series The Office, who owns the refrigeration company in town?


Who hosted the 2017 remake of The Joker’s Wild?
Give up?
Snoop Dog.
How about this one…What is the only country in the world with a one-word name that has all five vowels in its spelling?
That would be Mozambique, of course.
Bonus question…if you go to the Target Center to watch an NBA game, which home team would you be watching?
If you answered Minnesota Timberwolves, you are correct!

I learned these useless facts from Quizzo at The Great American Pub in Wayne a few weeks ago. This was a great activity to do with my 21 year old daughter home from college for winter break. The down time between semesters can get boring. After lots of yoga classes, eating at favorite restaurants and sleeping A LOT, Quizzo was an uplifting and bonding activity for all of us.

Our team name was “Tribe Hens”, a blending of her school, William and Mary, and the University of Delaware Blue Hen mascot, where both my husband and I are alums. Other team names were “Old Heads on Snapchat”, “Stoga Snow Day” and a few that are not PG enough to share! We didn’t come close to winning even though I gave it my all to get a bonus point by dancing solo to Will Smith’s “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It“ for one minute. I think my daughter shared a picture of my in her Snap story…I’ll never see it.

Quizzo echos the timeless fun of a family game night. It’s great to play when cabin fever hits. You can play at home if you can’t escape to Great American Pub!