Linnie Greenberg

Linnie Greenberg


   Ardmore, PA, 19003

I don’t know what compels me to get up each day and rifle though images and hand-painted papers to find the odds and ends I paste onto a canvas, board or piece of paper.  I’m quite obsessed.

I guess that selling vintage picturebooks for nearly two decades had a hand in this manic pursuit as I so love the illustrators of these books who greatly influenced my choice of subject matter – colorful, imaginary landscapes and creatures.

Using painted papers and ephemera, I make whimsical worlds filled with critters, carnival whirligigs and joyous, playful people wearing funny hats and bow ties. If the result makes me laugh, I’m satisfied. If the result makes a viewer smile, I consider it a success.

I’m playing photography.  Oh my. What fun!

Stephen Hawking said, “We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe.”

I’m so grateful and cognizant of my one life and aim to fill it with laughter, love & fun.

Making art is playful. It fills me with joy.  It’s fun.  It’s as simple as that.